Two Funds


Your donations help build the path that leads local health initiatives moving forward. Together, we form "The Foundation" that helps build strong and healthy communities.

You can donate to either fund using Canada Helps or PayPal links below,
or you can mail a cheque to P.O. Box 303, Sooke, BC V9Z 1G

Community Builders Fund:

building a healthy, supportive community

Sooke and Juan de Fuca Health Foundation provides funds to support health and

allied services as well as life enrichment programs including:

  • Integrated Primary Health Clinic Diagnostic Equipment
  • Child and Youth Services
  • Seniors’ Services
  • Community Education to Provide Improved Access to Health-Related Services

The Mary Brown Memorial Fund:

Supporting Mental Health and Disability Services

Mary Brown lived for many years in Shirley, BC. She was a university qualified Social Worker and Psychiatric Social Worker and worked throughout her career to support people with disabilities and mental health challenges in Canada, UK, and Australia. The Mary Brown Memorial Fund supports charities in our communities delivering services to people with mental health and/or disability needs.

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